
For years, I bore offense and because of that I unconsciously built walls around myself and wouldn’t let people come close to me. For that reason, I felt myself abandoned and alone for a long time. In such a state, I used to unconsciously offend people around me in spite of being a minister. After reading the Bait of Satan Book, I had a revelation that I must forgive those who had offended me despite of how they treated me; I understood that I must not take revenge, but leave all the justice to God. Now I am free from offense; instead I am filled with love toward those against whom I once bore grudge. Due to my ministry, I often visit different towns and regions of Armenia, and I always encourage people to read this book, which has the power to set them free.

Pastor, Arthur Musaelyan

The snares which Satan puts in our lives by sowing seeds of bitterness, unforgiveness and offense, are sadly keeping many Christians in their clutches. Having read this book I have experienced the compelling power of forgiving the debts to others, and it helped me to forgive those who offended me. This Book unmasks the powerful weapon of the enemy, the offenses, and instead offers to us the weapon of love and forgiveness. After reading this book with great interest, I released those who were captivated because of my personal unforgiveness and offenses. This book is an essential key for releasing the captives (our relatives, friends, acquaintances), despite of the remoteness and graveness of their misdeeds. My gratitude to John Bevere for this wonderful Book!


This Book is very special. It teaches us how to form an orderly family. While reading it you understand that you need to change and to be your best in the family; it helps to find your right place in your own family and to agree with the position of your spouse, which is assigned to them from above. I think that every couple has to read this book before getting married to insure themselves from mistakes which people make in their marriages without even understanding how serious they are. I would like not only newly married couples to read this Book, but also those who are together for many years. It will surely help them to create or recreate right relationships. I would advise the parents of married couples to read the Family Book as well, as because of it they can help their children to create a close-knit and God-fearing union. Thanks to Artur Simonyan for addressing this important subject.

Gayane Petrosyan
